Event Planning Resources

Successful campus events require attention to detail and advance planning. In order to aid you in the event planning process and make sure your event runs as smoothly as possible, we have created the following resource guides:

In addition to these guides, all event planners should review the Freedom of Expression Policy and be aware of all other campus and departmental policies that may apply to their events.

Students: Ready to Plan an Event?

It’s possible to host a successful in-person event while also taking care to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by following CC’s COVID-19 risk mitigation protocols. Do you have questions about how you can: 

  • Be involved in digital programming?
  • Support your student organization?
  • Start planning in-person events for the spring?

Email us at campusactivities@dght.net to set up an appointment to chat with Campus Activities professional staff or stop by Worner 230 to talk with student interns about the possibilities.

  • Drop-ins: Monday – Friday, 1 – 5 p.m., Campus Activities Office Staff & Student Interns available to answer questions
  • By appointment: email Amy Hill or Allis Werkmeister for availability

Campus Activities encourages you as soon as you envision hosting an event, please review the event planning checklist in detail, request a space in Ungerboeck, and schedule a student event summit meeting to discuss the details and to learn more about the requirements of COVID-19 risk mitigation in event planning. Please note: The minimum advance notice required to plan an event is 10 days; 10 days advance notice, however,  is not a guarantee and all student events are dependent upon space and staff availability.

Student Events Summit

Student Events Summit exists to create better communication and support for student planners during the programming proposal process. The events summit serves three purposes:

  1. Address over-saturation of competing student events during peak dates and times.
  2. Ensuring student planners are equipped with the right resources to include logistical details, equipment rental, staffing and security, AV equipment and technical support, catering and confirmation of legal contracts/riders with vendors, speakers, and performers.
  3. The event Summit Committee serves as the approving body for student-planned events, offering formal approval once all of the logistical details are settled, before planners can seek CCSGA funding support.

Options for Student Events Summit Attendance:

  1. Students are welcome to come to Student Events Summit early in the planning process for complex events, in order to gain advice and guidance from the group. To schedule an appointment to discuss an upcoming event, email Allis Werkmeister (awerkmeister@dght.net).
    • Taste of the World, the NASU Powwow, Arts at the Arena, Dance Workshop, and Llamapalooza are all good examples of this. Student planners of these events begin attending SES meetings months prior to the event in order to ask the group what dates OR spaces may work best for such large events that have complex needs and special requirements as well as make sure these events are working within campus protocols and policies (such as COVID-19).
  2. Most often students are invited by email to come to Student Events Summit after submitting a room reservation request; while the room request process only requires 10 day advance notice, the sooner room requests are submitted the more support Student Event Summit and CCSGA are able to provide.


Student Events Summit is a weekly meeting with key campus partners that provide and execute services at student events. Leadership includes:

  • ITS: Frontline Services - Shane Brown
  • Facilities Events Setup - Kris Higginbotham
  • Campus Safety - Pete Zeitz or Cathy Buckley
  • Campus Activities & Student Life- Amy Hill & Allis Werkmeister
  • If outdoor events are proposed, Grounds - John Nichols
  • If alcohol or catered events are proposed - Catering
  • If the venues are requested: Justine France for the Reid Arena, Shaylan Quinn for Cornerstone, or Elizabeth Clark for Robson Arena
  • If city permits or policies are in play, Colorado Springs Police Department Campus Representative


  • Student Events Summits are held each Tuesday from 12:30-2 pm in Worner 213
  • Event planners will either be contacted by Allis Werkmeister, Candy Klos, or Amy Hill to schedule an appointment or should proactively email Candy or Allis to set up an appointment.
  • The organization program coordinator/representative is to remain in waiting area until their event is called on the agenda; while waiting the event rep should complete the pre-Summit event checklist.
  • Student Org coordinator/representative(s) briefly describes their event (who, what, when, where, why, & how) and has an opportunity to ask questions or make additional request for support.
  • Approval Consideration is based on level of preparation and progress made by the student org planners and their members to include:
    • Funding: Has adequate funding been secured?
    • Safety & Risk Management: Is the safety plan realistic and appropriate? This can involve a combination of professional staff from the College and StaffPro security guards, and the plan must be approved by Campus Safety. Depending the nature of the event, participants may be required to sign waivers and event planners are expected to be partners in mitigating risk at their event.
    • AV: Is ITS: Frontline Services able to provide the required audiovisual equipment and staff?
    • Event Equipment: Is Facilities able to provide the required tables, chairs, stage, etc? If not, is the event planner able to provide extra funding to rent items from an outside vendor? Does Facilities have the time and resources to set up during work hours? If not, is the event planner able to provide extra funding for overtime charges?
    • Impact to Campus Space: Does the venue manager feel comfortable about the potential impact to the space? Will the space be able to be adequately cleaned before the next event, or before class the next day?
    • Level of Commitment of student organization/planners: Are they able to keep up with the demands of event planning at this time or have they fallen behind in their task list?
  • In the instance of non-approval, we always offer the opportunity for the student to change the date or location of their proposed event.
  • Approved events are marked as confirmed in the CC Events Management system by Campus Activities Specialist, Allis Werkmeister, so that events can be adequately tracked and service orders can be generated.

Reserving a Room

It is the student organization's responsibility to reserve a space at least 10 days before anticipated event - this means that the student makes the request and receives a confirmation that the space is available. Student planners are not to enter any contract or agreement until a space for the event is secured and they have participated in and be granted approval by STUDENT EVENT SUMMIT.

Please note that students do not have the authority to sign contracts - persons authorized to sign contracts are college officials: Campus Activities Director, and/or Faculty/Staff Advisor (after confirmation that event is approved via Events Summit). If CCSGA funding is used in full or in part to satisfy a contract - a copy of the contract must be provided for budget reconciliation.

Reserve a room by:

  1. Completing online Room reservation requests via CC EVENTS MANAGEMENT accessed through your CC Single Sign-In
  2. Contacting Crystal Hurtado, Worner Campus Center Administrative and Event Program Assistant.
  3. You may also contact Campus Activities at (719) 389 - 6800
  4. If you need modify or add event support and information for an existing event (AV support, catering, room setup, campus calendar details, etc.), refer to your event confirmation email.
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/23/2023