
科罗拉多大学 is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race, creed, color, religion, 国家或民族出身, disability, 资深地位, age, 婚姻状况, 遗传信息, sex, 性取向, gender, 性别认同、表达或感知到的性别, pregnancy, 或者其他受本地法律保护的身份, 州或联邦法律. For more information on the College's prohibition of discrimination, please see the College's 非歧视和反骚扰政策和程序.

相应的, it is 科罗拉多大学 policy to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, 被排除在, 或在任何大学项目或活动中受到歧视, 根据1973年康复法案第504条(第504条), 《赌博正规的十大网站》(ADA)第三章, 以及其他与残疾相关的法律.

In response to a request made by a qualified student with an appropriately documented disability, the college will arrange for the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/accommodations (e.g., 延长考试时间, 课程替换, 住房和住宿)和辅助艾滋病和服务(例如.g., 印刷材料的无障碍格式, sign language interpreter) determined by the college to be necessary to afford the student the opportunity to participate fully in college programs. 这是无障碍资源总监的责任, 谁同时担任学院的ADA/504协调员, to uphold the rights of a student to secure access and accommodations in accordance with Section 504, the ADA, 以及其他与残疾相关的法律.

Students may appeal decisions regarding the determination or provision of reasonable academic adjustments/accommodations or auxiliary aids and services. This policy and the following procedures address judgments of disability status and/or provision of accommodations. 任何赌博正规的十大网站的学生都可以使用这些程序. Students should initiate the appeal process within 30 calendar days of the judgment they wish to appeal. These procedures are not intended to replace or duplicate existing grievance procedures under the college's 非歧视和反骚扰政策和程序.

Students who feel they have not been treated in a fair or professional manner with regard to access and accommodations are encouraged to follow the procedures below. The college maintains a philosophy of student self-advocacy and the right to pursue an appeal through the formal appeal process. However, 在开始正式上诉程序之前, it is recommended that the student make every attempt to resolve the matter in an informal manner.

对根据本政策提出上诉的人进行报复, 真诚地提出歧视投诉, 或协助相关调查是被禁止的.


  1. The student should discuss the concern(s) regarding the determination of disability status or provision of academic adjustments/accommodations or auxiliary aids and services with the appropriate instructor, 部门, 或直接代表办事处, 除非情有可原的情况禁止这样做.
  2. 如果与合适的大学老师交谈, 部门, 或办公室代表不会导致解决方案, the student should then discuss the problem with the head of that 部门 or office.
  3. If a meeting with the head of the 部门 or office does not lead to a resolution, the student should discuss the concern(s) with the Director of 可访问性资源.
  4. If the Director of 可访问性资源 is unable to assist in informally resolving the student's concern(s), 学生将被转介到正式的上诉程序.
  5. 如果无障碍资源总监涉及此事, the student should skip step 3 and discuss the concern(s) with the Senior Associate Dean for Student Equity & Inclusion (Rosalie Rodriguez, The Butler Center located in the Worner Campus Center, 719-389-6897, rrodriguez@dght.net). 如果是负责学生权益的高级副院长 & 包容不能帮助非正式地解决学生的担忧。, 学生将被转介到正式的上诉程序.
  1. Appeals of decisions regarding the determination or provision of academic adjustments/accommodations or auxiliary aids and services must be in writing. Students should initiate the appeal process within 30 calendar days of the judgment they wish to appeal.
  2. The student's written statement must include: a) a clear statement of the request or concern; b) the grounds on which the appeal is based; c) the date of any action that the student is appealing; d) the names of all 科罗拉多大学 employees involved; e) a summary of the action(s) the student has taken to resolve the matter informally, if any; and f) a statement of the student's expectation of specific outcome.
  3. The written appeal must be submitted to the 学院院长,首席运营官
    或指定人员,如果是学术问题(e).g., exam accommodations) or the 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee if the appeal is related to 学生生活 (e.g.(住房).
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.

14 E. Cache La Poudre St.

在收到上诉后, the Vice President/Dean of the College or designee or 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee, 适当的, will review the appeal for timeliness and appropriateness for these appeal procedures and will provide the student with written notice acknowledging its receipt.
  1. The 学院院长,首席运营官 or designee or 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee, 适当的, will promptly initiate a campus investigation and may consult with the Director of 可访问性资源 or seek other expertise in making a final decision.
  2. The 学院院长,首席运营官 or designee or 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee, 适当的, will meet with both the complainant and respondent to provide opportunity for oral testimony and evidence.
  3. 调查完成后, the 学院院长,首席运营官 or designee or 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee, 适当的, 会提交给学生吗, 被上诉的当事人, 以及无障碍资源总监, a final report containing a summary of the investigation and the outcome of resolution within 45 calendar days of the initial filing or sooner if time is of the essence to the matter.
  4. 正式申诉档案和最终决定应当保密, 但终局决定应当告知投诉人, 被申请人, 以及无障碍资源总监.
  5. The formal appeal file and all investigation materials shall be maintained in the office of the 学院院长,首席运营官 or designee or 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 or designee, 适当的, 直到文件创建十年后.
  6. 如果学生对上诉决定不满意, the student may file a complaint according to 科罗拉多大学's nondiscrimination policy.

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浏览有关上诉及申诉程序的更多资料, contact the Director of 可访问性资源 (Office of 可访问性资源, 阿姆斯特朗219年, 719-227-8285). 在所有上诉和申诉案件中, the Director of 可访问性资源 can advise students of the various internal and external options available to them. It is the responsibility of the student to meet all conditions for filing an appeal or grievance

报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/30/2023